Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), is a formal legal reference in structuring national qualifications in the field of employment. The KKNI is a reference for the world of education and training institutions in formulating curricula and training programs. Professional certification bodies in carrying out competency certification (competence test) and formulating scope (certification scheme) also refer to the KKNI. Meanwhile, for the industrial world, the KKNI can be used in the recruitment process, especially related to the recognition of the required level of workforce qualifications.
In addition, MarkCert also registers with various international organizations to obtain cooperation agreements and recognition of training certificates and competency tests issued. MarkCert has experience building cooperation networks for export and import as well as capacity building for professionals who contribute to improving company performance and increasing market to international level “Person-Product Go International”.